Student Support Services

Saint Rose School believes that each student has potential and gifts that God has given him/her. Our Support Services Coordinator works with faculty, staff, parents and other professionals for the benefit of the child.

Our Student Support Services Program is designed to support children who are experiencing difficulty in the regular classroom or who qualify for enrichment.

The goals of the Saint Rose Support Services Program are as follows:

  • To provide support for teachers in identifying specific academic needs of students
  • To provide teachers with information about classroom adjustments necessary to meet academic needs of students who require extra support
  • To provide appropriate testing and/or contact the public school officials when further evaluation or assistance is needed
  • To provide individual and small group instruction for students who qualify
  • To provide enrichment programming for students excelling in specific areas

A student must be recommended for support services in consultation with the classroom teacher, parents and support services coordinator. If a student is not successful with the services at our disposal and is not making progress with the classroom adjustments or support services, the school will reserve the right to refer the student to another program which would better meet the needs of the student.