2024-2025 Saint Rose School Arrival
All students preschool through 8th grade arriving for early care, 7:00-7:30am, will be dropped off at the preschool doors on the back side of the building.
Preschool - with or without K-8 siblings
Enter by the bocce court to the right of the gym or from Stonewall and drive to the preschool entrance in the back and park. Please bring your child into the preschool and take them to their classroom. If you have K-8 siblings they will walk to their classroom from the preschool. Please drive to the right of the preschool when leaving in the morning and exit onto Stonewall or Middle Tennessee Blvd.
Anyone arriving after 8:00am must enter through the main school office.
K-8 Students
Enter by the Saint Rose bocce court, drive towards the basketball goals, follow around past the gym and stop at the mailbox. For safety precautions, students should only exit on the passenger side of the car.
Additional lines will form in the lower parking lot parallel to the basketball goal. When the lines are full, begin another line. K-8th Grade students will enter through the elementary school main doors.
You must:
- Follow the arrows
- Exit past the mailbox where you will ONLY turn right onto North Tennessee Blvd.
- Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom at 7:55am.