
Technology is a key aspect of both our teaching methods and student learning. Today, differentiated instruction at Saint Rose Catholic School takes place in technology-infused classrooms.

Students at Saint Rose use technology as a tool to enhance their learning and to help them express ideas, make inquiries, solve problems, and collaborate with others. All classrooms are equipped with projectors and many also have Hover Cams, iPads and Chromebooks. All classrooms in grades K-8 also have Smart Boards and virtual textbooks in most subject areas. All students in grades 4 through 8 experience Google Classrooms where they receive assignments and collaborate with classmates virtually.

Beginning in 5th grade, students are one-to-one with Chromebooks that are specifically assigned to each student. There is a fee assessed in 5th grade for the student’s Chromebook which becomes his/hers upon graduation from 8th grade. These Chromebooks stay in the classroom at the end of each day.

In addition to regular classrooms, students visit our computer lab to explore and investigate. Instruction in computers and technology is used to enhance student learning in order to form responsible, digital citizens who think critically. This learning will prepare students to use technology to be successful in future academics and beyond.